Bible Study on The Pastoral Epistles & Philemon

Victory Fellowship Study of the Pastoral Epistles & Philemon                                              Wednesdays at 10am & 7pm - Rev. Roderick Grabski, Teaching Pastor
Winter/Spring 2021 Tentative Class Schedule

The content of this course, and the instructor, rely heavily upon a traditionally high view of Scripture whereby the Bible (both Old and New Testament) is understood as the Word of God that is Inspired, Infallible, and Inerrant in the original sources. The Whole Bible contains all that is necessary for our Salvation and is the final authority for ethical and moral matters in the life of the believer and unbeliever alike.

March 3, 2021 False Teachings versus Truth 1st Timothy 1

March 10, 2021 Orderly Worship 1st Timothy 2

March 17, 2021 Church Leadership and Government 1st Timothy 3

March 24, 2021 Christian Godliness and Discipline 1st Timothy 4

March 31, 2021 Church Relationships and Responsibilities 1st Timothy 5

April 7, 2021 Finding Contentment in God 1st Timothy 6

April 14, 2021 Remaining Faithful to Christ 2nd Timothy 1

April 21, 2021 Training and Disciplines of Faith 2nd Timothy 2

April 28, 2021 The Last Days 2nd Timothy 3

May 5, 2021 The Charge to Faithful Ministry 2nd Timothy 4

May 12, 2021 Establishing the Church Titus 1

May 19, 2021 Establishing Order and Godliness Titus 2

May 26, 2021 The Church and the World Titus 3

June 2, 2021 Grace and Forgiveness Philemon

We will enjoy a summer break after this study and, God willing, we will resume in mid-September with a study of the Book of Matthew.