
Philemon 1:1-25

The Pastoral Epistles & Philemon
Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 10am and 7pm

Rev. Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223

FACEBOOK: Roderick Grabski
Lesson Fourteen: Grace and Forgiveness


A)    Written by Paul under “house arrest” in Rome around 60 A.D. 

B)    A personal letter to Philemon in Colossae concerning his runaway slave, Onesimus.

C)    The letter was most likely delivered by Tychicus (and Onesimus), along with the letter to the Colossian church. (Colossians 4:7-9)

D)    Onesimus, Bishop of Ephesus

3)    READ / LISTEN to Philemon 1-25
A)    What are your initial impressions?  Questions? 
i)    Are there notable differences in various translations? 

4)    THE GREETING (vv. 1-3)
A)    Paul, a prisoner. And Timothy. (see Colossians 1:1)

B)    To Philemon (Well-to-do man in Colossae. The church met in his house)

C)    To sister Apphia (most likely Philemon’s wife)

D)    To Archippus (most likely Philemon and Apphia’s son)

E)    To the House Church

F)    Grace and peace from the Father and the Son.

5)    GRATITUDE for PHILEMON (vv. 4-7)
A)    (vv. 4-5) What are Philemon’s qualities that Paul is thankful for?

B)    (vs. 6) What specifically does Paul pray for Philemon?

C)    (vs. 7) What brings Paul great joy and encouragement?

6)    THE APPEAL FOR ONESIMUS (vv. 8-16)
A)    (vv. 8-16) The Power of the Gospel
i)    Compare Colossians 3:22-24 and 4:1 with this appeal.
ii)    (vv. 8-9a) Instead of commanding Philemon, what does Paul do?
iii)    (vs. 9b) How does Paul describe himself?
iv)    (vv. 10-11) How does Paul describe Onesimus? (Onesimus means profitable)
v)    (vv. 12-16) Explore the depth of each of these verses.

7)    THE GREAT REQUEST (vv. 17-22)
A)    (vv. 17-19) The Power of Christian Persuasion

B)    (vv. 20-21) What are Paul’s assumptions regarding Philemon’s response?

C)    (vs. 22) What does this request imply?

8)    FINAL GREETINGS (vv. 23-25)
A)    See Colossians 4:10-14

B)    Witnesses (vv. 1-3, 10, 23-24)

A)    We should model faith in Christ by our love for others, especially fellow Christians. (John 13:35)

B)    Forgiveness must be part of our Christian practice. (Matthew 6:12)

C)    Christians must be peacemakers and reconcilers. (Matthew 5:9)

D)    The true mark of obedience to Christ is evident when we do what is right over what we want or feel is our “due.” (James 1:22)


This completes our study of the Pastoral Epistles! We will enjoy a summer break and, God willing, we will resume near the end of September 2021 with a study of the Book of Matthew. Watch for announcements for Dinner and Movie Wednesday nights over the summer. We will view the first season of THE CHOSEN.