Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 7pm
Rev. Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223
WEBPAGE: victoryfellowshipministries.com
arod4God@neo.rr.com FACEBOOK: Roderick Grabski
CLASS SEVENTEEN: The Vine and the Branches
II. Read / Listen to John 15:1-27
a. What are your initial impressions or Notable translation differences?
III. The Vine and the Branches (vv. 1-8)
a. (vs. 1) Here we find the last of Seven “I Am” Discourses in John’s Gospel:
1. “I am the Bread of Life” (6:35,48)
2. “I am the Light of the World” (8:12; 9:5)
3. “I am the Door of the Sheep” (10:7,9)
4. “I am the Good Shepherd” (10:11,14)
5. “I am the Resurrection and the Life” (11:25)
6. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (14:6)
7. “I am the True Vine” (15:1)
b. What is implied by Jesus saying He is the “true” vine?
c. (vv. 2-8) Questions about Jesus’ words:
i. What does Jesus mean by the Father removes the branch?
ii. What does He mean by the branch is pruned?
iii. Can you give an example from John’s gospel for a branch that was removed and one that was pruned?
iv. What does He mean by the disciples are clean?
v. What does He mean by “remain in Me?”
vi. What happens to those who don’t remain in Jesus?
vii. How is the Father glorified?
IV. Christlike Love (vv. 9-17)
a. (vv. 9-10) What example does Jesus give for remaining in His love?
b. (vs. 11) What does Jesus want for His disciples?
c. (vv. 12-14) What is Jesus’ command? How is it demonstrated?
d. (vs. 15) What is significant about Jesus calling His disciples friends?
e. (vv. 16-17) What key points does Jesus summarize?
V. The World Hates True Believers (vv. 18-25)
a. Jesus reveals four important facts concerning the world and true believers:
i. The world hates those who are not part of it.
ii. The world hates believers because it hates Jesus Christ.
iii. The world hates believers because it does not know God.
iv. That the world hates Jesus and The Father is a fulfillment of Scripture: (Psalms 35:19 and 69:4).
VI. The Spirit of Truth (vv. 26-27)
a. This is a repeat of the promise from 14:16-17 where the Holy Spirit is also referred to as the Spirit of Truth.
b. What is the result of the Spirit coming?
VII. Application
a. We cannot be a friend of Jesus and still have friendship with the world. (James 4:4; 1st John 2:15-17)
b. True believers will be compelled by the Holy Spirit to give witness and testify about the Lord Jesus. (Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:17)
Final Comments, Questions. Close in Prayer
Next Week: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
- Read John 16:1-33 to prepare.