Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 7pm
Rev. Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223
WEBPAGE: victoryfellowshipministries.com
arod4God@neo.rr.com FACEBOOK: Roderick Grabski
CLASS SIXTEEN: The Only Way to the Father
II. Read / Listen to John 14:1-31
a. What are your initial impressions or Notable translation differences?
III. The Way to the Father (vv. 1-6)
a. (vs. 1) What is Jesus asserting here?
b. (vv. 2-3) (Greek word - μονή monē) that is, dwelling places, mansions, abodes. The same word is used in verse 23. What do you think your place in heaven will be like?
c. (vv. 4-6) Thank God for Thomas’ question! What do you think of Jesus’ statement in verse 6?
IV. Jesus Reveals the Father (vv. 7-11)
a. (vs. 7) What is Jesus revealing to the disciples?
b. (vv. 8-11) Why does Philip make this request? In Jesus’ reply, the first use of “you” refers to Philip but the second “you” is plural in the Greek. What does that mean?
V. Praying in Jesus’ Name (vv. 12-14)
a. How can believers do greater works than Jesus?
b. What exactly is implied by asking in Jesus’ name? (1st John 5:14-15)
VI. The Promise of Another Counselor (vv. 15-18)
a. (vv. 15-16) There are two Greek words for “another” (allov allos and eterov heteros). Allos is another of the same kind (Matt. 13:24, 31, 33), while heteros is another completely different (Acts 7:18). Jesus calls the comforter, allov paraklhtov (Allos Parakletos). The helper He will send is another the same as He is. What does this tell us about the Holy Spirit?
b. (vv. 17-18) What is the purpose and promise of the Holy Spirit?
VII. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (vv. 19-26)
a. (vv. 19-20) What is Jesus referring to?
b. (vs. 21) What do these words mean to Christians in 2025?
c. (vs. 22) This is probably Judas the son of James (Luke 6:16; Acts 1:13)
d. (vv. 23-26) Remember the word for home is the same word used in verse 2 for mansions. What does Jesus want His disciples to know?
VIII. Jesus Gives Peace (vv. 27-31)
a. (vs. 27) This is a tremendous promise from Jesus. How have you experienced this kind of peace?
b. (vv. 28-29) What is the good news in Jesus words here?
c. (vv. 30-31a) What is Jesus referring to here?
d. (vs. 31b) Jesus is now saying basically, walk and talk with me, which they will do until Chapter 18:1.
IX. Application
a. When we are afraid or troubled we need to put our trust in God. (Psalm 56:3-4)
b. The place in Heaven Jesus is preparing for believers is nothing short of magnificent. (Revelation 21:16-27; 22:1-5)
c. The prominent belief that there are many paths to religious truth is a lie from Satan. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the only means of salvation for humanity. (John 3:36; Acts 4:12)
Final Comments, Questions. Close in Prayer
ASH WEDNESDAY Next Week – No Class
In Two Weeks: The Vine and the Branches
- Read John 15:1-27 to prepare.