Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 7pm
Rev. Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223
WEBPAGE: victoryfellowshipministries.com
arod4God@neo.rr.com FACEBOOK: Roderick Grabski
CLASS THIRTEEN: The 7th Sign: Lazarus Raised from the Dead
II. Read / Listen to John 11:1-57
a. What are your initial impressions or Notable translation differences?
III. Lazarus Dies at Bethany (vv. 1-16)
a. Lazarus means “whom God helps.” Bethany is a village and not the town referred to in John 1:28, or alluded to in John 10:40.
b. (vs. 2) John doesn’t relate the incident of Mary anointing Jesus’ feet until Chapter 12, so he must have assumed his readers would know about these woman – perhaps from the Synoptic gospels: Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; and Luke 10:38-42.
c. (vv. 3-4) What do you make of Jesus’ response to the news of Lazarus?
d. (vv. 5-7) If Jesus loved Mary, Martha, and Lazarus why did He wait? Do you think He waited for Lazarus to die first?
e. (vv. 8-11) Why are the disciples concerned, and why is Jesus adamant about going now?
f. (vv. 12-15) In the bible the phrase “fallen asleep” or “slept with his fathers” is often used as a euphemism for death. Why is Jesus glad He wasn’t there?
g. (vs. 16) What does this verse reveal about Thomas?
IV. I Am The Resurrection and the Life (vv. 17-27)
a. (vv. 17-20) The fact that many came to comfort them shows their family had considerable wealth and social standing.
b. (vv. 21-24) What does Martha want from Jesus?
c. (vs. 25a) Number 5 of Seven “I Am” Discourses in John’s Gospel.
d. (vv. 25b-26a) Jesus is not being redundant here. What are the meaning of His words?
e. (vs. 26b-27) What is Jesus asking Martha if she believes? Her response reveals that she does.
V. Jesus Shares the Sorrow of Death (vv. 28-37)
a. (vv. 28-32) Families paid professional comforters to help them mourn and offer greater mourning for the lost loved one. What does Mary ask of Jesus?
b. (vv. 33-34) Compare various translations of verse 33. The Greek word for how Jesus felt in His spirit is literally translated, “snort like a horse.” The word for troubled is one that expresses anguish, fear, amazement, terror, and/or discouragement. What is it that Jesus is angry and troubled about?
c. (vs. 35) The shortest verse in the bible. The Greek word for wept, dakruw (dakruo) is not used anywhere else in the New Testament. In non-biblical Greek writings where it is used it is translated as “silently burst into tears.”
d. (vv. 36-37) What do you make of these varied reactions?
VI. The 7th Sign: Lazarus Raised from the Dead (vv. 38-44)
a. (vv. 38-40) The Jews believed that the soul hovered around the body for three days after death in the hope of reentering it. But on the four day after the body began decomposing the soul departed. It was then that death was considered completely irreversible. What is Jesus’ response to Martha?
b. (vv. 41-42) Jesus’ prayer is similar to Elijah’s prayer in 1 Kings 18.
c. (vv. 43-44) What caused Lazarus to come back to life? Note how Jesus was also concerned with his practical needs. (Mark 5:43)
VII. The Plot to Kill Jesus (vv. 45-57)
a. (vv. 45-48) More trouble ahead.
b. (vv. 49-54) God uses even those with evil intention to do His will.
c. (vv. 55-57) Cue ominous music. Things are coming to a head.
VIII. Application
a. Jesus promises eternal life apart from the sting of death. (1 Cor. 15:55-57)
b. Though He was fully God, Jesus was fully human and experienced grief and other emotions as we all do. (Hebrews 4:15-16)
Final Comments, Questions. Close in Prayer
Next Week: The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
- Read John 12:1-50 to prepare.