
John 1:1-51
The Divine WORD Made Flesh

Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 7pm 
 Rev. Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223
WEBPAGE:   FACEBOOK: Roderick Grabski

CLASS TWO: The Divine WORD Made Flesh


II.    Read / Listen to John 1:1-51
a.    What are your initial impressions or questions? 
Notable translation differences?

III.    The Divine Word (vv. 1-18)
a.    (vv. 1-5) In these verses how do we see the divine preexistence, the divine creative power, and the divine self-existence of Jesus?

b.    (vv. 6-9) Who is John who testifies about the Light? Who is the Light?

c.    (vv. 10-11) Who are “his own” and “his own people?”

d.    (vv. 12-13) What is the significance of these verses?

e.    (vv. 14-18) The phrase can literally be translated “pitched his tent among us.” The reference is to God becoming human, while remaining fully God. How does John’s testimony in these verses affirm the divinity of Jesus Christ?

IV.    Testimony of John the Baptist (vv. 19-28)
a.    (vv. 19-23) What is John seeking to clarify?

b.    (vv. 24-28) Why is John baptizing? 

V.    The Lamb of God (vv. 29-42)
a.    (vv. 29-34) What is significant about John’s references to Jesus?

b.    (vv. 35-37) One of these disciples is Andrew. The other is most likely John, son of Zebedee, author of John’s gospel.

c.    (vv. 38-42) What are the three instances where the author explains the meaning of the Aramaic words being used? Why does he?
i.    Other places he does this are in chapters 9:7; 11:16; and 19:17 

VI.    Philip and Nathanael (vv. 43-51)
a.    (vv. 43-46) Jesus sought out Philip and Philip found Nathanael. 
i.    The Synoptic gospels refer to Nathanael as Bartholomew. 
b.    (vv. 47-48) What does Jesus mean that Nathanael has deceit? What do these verses reveal about Jesus?

c.    (vv. 49-51) What convinces Nathanael that Jesus is God? What does Jesus’ reference remind you of? (See Genesis 28:12-15; Daniel 7:13-14)

VII.    Application
a.    The deity of the Lord Jesus Christ is an essential, non-negotiable tenet of the Christian faith. (Colossians 2:9)

b.    Jesus is the creator God who made all things in the beginning. (Colossians 1:16-17)

c.    Jesus was also fully human on the earth. (Hebrews 2:14)

Final Comments, Questions. Close in Prayer

Next Week: The 1st Sign: Water into Wine
- Read John 2:1-25 to prepare.