Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 7pm
Rev. Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223
arod4God@neo.rr.com FACEBOOK: Roderick Grabski
CLASS SIXTEEN: Poem V: Bridegroom’s Inner Thoughts
II. Read / Listen to Song of Solomon 6:4 – 7:9
a. What are your initial impressions or questions? Notable translation differences?
III. While Reconciling, Solomon Describes His Wife (6:4-9)
a. (vs. 4) Tirzah and Jerusalem were Israel’s most prominent cities. An army with banners was Israel’s military which were like the moon, sun, and stars – as in Joseph’s dream. (Genesis 37:9)
b. (vs. 5a) Knowing her eyes aroused him (4:9), Solomon now wants her to avert her eyes. He wants emotional reconciliation before physical love is expressed.
c. (vv. 5b-7) Solomon describes his wife’s physical attributes.
d. (vv. 8-9) Solomon describes how unique and appealing his wife is.
IV. Query from The Young Women of Jerusalem (6:10)
a. The question is based on Solomon’s description in verse 4.
V. Shulamith Recounts Their Reconciliation (6:11-12)
a. (vs. 11) Here is a metaphor expressing a desire to begin a new season together.
b. (vs. 12) The implication is that she has resumed a position of royal prominence.
VI. A Plea and A Question (6:13)
a. Shulamite is used for the first time in the book. The word is the feminine form of “Solomon.” It demonstrates that they are soulmates that through hardship and reconciliation have entered into a deeper relationship.
b. Solomon responds. The Hebrew word for “two camps,” mihnxm makh-an-eh' im is the location where Jacob and Esau were reconciled. (Genesis 32-33). Solomon is using the illustration of God’s love for Israel to illustrate his own love for Shulamith.
c. The dance reference is a private one for Solomon.
VII. Solomon Describes His Wife from Feet to Head (7:1-5)
a. These verses are very seductive. Shulamith is dancing for Solomon prior to lovemaking. She is wearing nothing but a smile and sandals on her feet.
b. (vs. 1) The handiwork of a master is a creative way of describing his wife as a gift.
c. (vs. 2) In the Hebrew, the word is not “navel.” Use your imagination.
d. (vv. 3-5) Solomon continues to describe what he sees as his eyes go up from her feet, etc., in a greater intimacy than in chapter 4.
e. (vs. 4) Damascus was the capitol of Israel’s potential enemies. To describe her nose this way, Solomon is acknowledging that Shulamith has a capacity for appropriate anger. Her anger would flare at anyone who violated her boundaries.
VIII. Solomon Enjoys His Wife (7:6-9)
a. (vv. 6-7) Solomon initiates a sexual intimacy that will end in them falling asleep while tasting each other’s kisses.
b. (vs. 8) This verse can mostly be taken literally. The word “breath” is most likely a euphemism for “nipples.”
c. (vs. 9) Compare various translations of this verse. The Hebrew suggests that they fall asleep together while kissing.
IX. Application
a. Reconciliation is easiest when we allow God to guide our thoughts, words, and actions. (Micah 6:8)
b. We can encourage those we love by describing how beautiful they are to us. (Ephesians 4:29)
X. Final Comments, Questions. Close in Prayer
Next Week: Poem VI: The Beauty of Love
- Read Song of Solomon 7:10 – 8:14 to prepare.