
Song of Solomon 2:8 - 3:5
Poem II: Praise of Her Beloved

Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 7pm 
 Rev. Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223   FACEBOOK: Roderick Grabski

CLASS THIRTEEN: Poem II: Praise of Her Beloved


II.    Read / Listen to Song of Solomon 2:8 – 3:5
a.    What are your initial impressions or questions? Notable translation differences?

III.    The Bride and Groom Desire to Hear Each Other’s Voices (2:8-14)
a.    (vv. 8-10) The WOMAN (Bride) singing to her Groom.
i.    What words here describe anticipation?

b.    (vv. 11-14) The MAN (Groom) sings to his bride.
i.    What time or event is the groom anticipating?

IV.    Beware of the Little Things (2:15)
a.    (vs. 15) The voice of either one or both.
i.    What little things could harm their courtship at this time?

V.    The WOMAN Sings of Her Security in Solomon (2:16-17) 
a.    (vs. 16) Note the progression of this statement when compared to 6:3 and 7:10.

b.    (vs. 17) What is Shulamith’s request? 

VI.    The WOMAN Sings of a Dream in Anticipation of the Wedding (3:1-5)
a.    (vv. 1-4) This is most likely the description of a dream (nightmare?). 
i.    What is she anxious about?
ii.    What is significant about where she brings him?

b.    (vs. 5) This is a repetition of 2:7 and a transition to the central section of the wedding day and night.  

VII.    Application
a.    Just as we can recognize the voice of our spouse in a crowd, in the same way, Jesus’ followers know His voice when He speaks to us through the Holy Spirit.      (John 10:27-28)

b.    Beware of the little things that can creep in and destroy a relationship. White lies, indifference, lack of communication and commitment can be devastating over time. (Ephesians 4:31-32)

c.    In marriage we experience a natural protection of love, honor, and devotion to the spouse whom God has given us. (Matthew 19:4-6)
VIII.    Final Comments, Questions. Close in Prayer

Next Week: Poem III: In Praise of the Bride - Read Song of Solomon 3:6 – 5:1 to prepare.