
Song of Solomon 5:2 - 6:3
Poem IV: Frustration & Delight

Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 7pm 
 Rev. Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223   FACEBOOK: Roderick Grabski

CLASS FIFTEEN: Poem IV: Frustration & Delight

II.    Read / Listen to Song of Solomon 5:2 – 6:3
a.    What are your initial impressions or questions? Notable translation differences?

III.    The Honeymoon is Over (vv. 2-7)
a.    (vs. 2a) The voice of the woman, who is sleeping alone.

b.    (vs. 2b) The husband arrives with lovin’ on his mind.
i.        What is Solomon’s 4-fold term of endearment?

c.    (vs. 3) The woman’s voice – RRV: “Not now, I have a headache!”

d.    (vv. 4-5) The woman describes in graphic detail her husband’s persistence.

e.    (vv. 6-7) Too little, too late. Her search does not go well. 

IV.    A Plea and a Question (vv. 8-9) 
a.    The woman pleads with the young women of Jerusalem. (See 2:5)

b.    The Young Women pose a question.  

V.    The Woman Sings a Loving Description (vv. 10-16) 
a.    (See the literal pictures page)

VI.    A Joyful Reunion (6:1-3) 
a.    (vs. 1) The Women of Jerusalem pose a second question.

b.    (vs. 2) The woman answers in graphic terms.

c.    (vs. 3) Note the progression of this statement when compared to 2:16 and 7:10.

VII.    Application
a.    Listing the things you appreciate in your spouse will help fan the flames of your love for each other. (1 Peter 3:10-11)

b.    When problems arise, focus on the positive aspects of your spouse. (Ephesians 4:32)  
VIII.    Final Comments, Questions. Close in Prayer

Next Week: Poem V: Bridegroom’s Inner Thoughts
- Read Song of Solomon 6:4 – 7:9 to prepare.