
Ecclesiastes 5:1-20
Futility of a Self-Seeking Life

Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 7pm 
 Rev. Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223   FACEBOOK: Roderick Grabski

CLASS SIX: Futility of a Self-Seeking Life 


II.    Read / Listen to Ecclesiastes 5:1-20
a.    What are your initial impressions or questions? Notable translation differences?

III.    Improper versus Proper Worship (vv. 1-7)
a.    (vs. 1) What are the positive and negative ways to enter the House of the Lord?

b.    (vs. 2) What does this verse warn about? (See also Habakkuk 2:20)

c.    (vs. 3) How do you interpret this proverb?

d.    (vv. 4-7) Leviticus 27 contains instructions for Israel to make their vows to God. Solomon is simplifying it here. In your own words, summarize what advice Solomon is giving here.
i.    Biblical examples of vows: Judges 11:30-35; 1 Samuel 1:9-11; Jonah 2:7-10; Acts 5:1-5

IV.    Injustice and Oppression Revisited (vv. 8-9)
a.    (vs. 8) What should our reaction be when we see oppression and injustice?

b.    (vs. 9) This saying means that the king is a benefit to agriculture (the economy). Even with corruption present, in what ways is the government beneficial?

V.    The Meaningless Pursuit of Wealth (vv. 10-17)
a.    (vs. 10) You will never be satisfied.

b.    (vs. 11) You attract people who care only for your money.

c.    (vs. 12) The pursuit of wealth causes sleepless nights.

d.    (vv. 13-14) Poor or risky investments could cause you to lose income needed to support your family.

e.    (vv. 15-16) You can’t take it with you when you die.

f.    (vs. 17) You will be miserable.

VI.    The Proper Perspective (vv. 18-20)
a.    (vs. 18) In Solomon’s observation he sees God’s hand in everything. When we acknowledge that, we enjoy our life and the fruit of our labor.

b.    (vs. 19) Only from God do we find joy and fulfillment in our possessions.

c.    (vs. 20) What does this verse mean?
VII.    Application
a.    Consider our worship experiences. Do we honor God in the way we come into the house of the Lord? (Hosea 6:6; Acts 2:42-47)

b.    The love of material wealth will keep us from the true treasure of knowing God.  (1 Timothy 6:10)

c.    Everything can be used for our good if we have faith enough to see God’s hand in every circumstance — good and bad. (Romans 8:28)
VIII.    Final Comments, Questions. Close in Prayer

Next Week: Ambition & Desire Frustrated
- Read Ecclesiastes 6:1-12 to prepare.