Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 7pm - Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223
Session Seven: Sweet Salvation
2) READ / LISTEN to Isaiah 11:1 – 12:6
What are your initial impressions? Questions?
Are there notable differences in various translations?
a) Shoot or Stem of Jesse’s Tree (v.1: see also Micah 5:1-5 and Revelation 5:1-5)
b) Branch - Chapter 11: Here an abrupt change is made from the events associated with the Assyrian Kings who began their assault on the nations of Israel and Judah to a further description of the Messiah and his times. The last of the important interactions of the Assyrians under Sennacherib has just been described which introduced the prophet's return to the future visit of the Messiah; and the glories of his reign as reason for rejoicing which carries through to the completion of chapter twelve. Reciprocating between Assyrian and the Messiah has been part of the style of Isaiah from chapter seven onward to this place. Identifying the points at which the "scene" changes in Isaiah is part of the key to understanding the literary style and therefore the message of Isaiah
There are eighteen Hebrew words translated "branch" in English, two of which are used in the "Branch" prophesies: The word Nazar (natser) is used here in this verse. This is a key messianic verse which shows that the "Tsemach" ( ) Branch prophecies and the "Nazer" Branch prophecies are linked and are one and the same because both forms of the Branch prophecies teach that He is the son of David. Here, the coming Nazarene is to be of the family of Jesse who was the father of David.
c) Seven-Fold Spirit (vv. 2-3a: see also Revelation 1:4)
i) The Spirit of Wisdom.
ii) The Spirit of Understanding.
iii) The Spirit of Counsel.
iv) The Spirit of Strength.
v) The Spirit of Knowledge.
vi) The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord.
vii) The Spirit of Delight in the Fear of the Lord.
d) Character of the Branch (vv. 3b-5: see also Matthew 7:21-23)
e) The Peace of the Savior (vv. 6-9)
i) Compare to Romans 8:18-25
ii) Eden Restored (see Isaiah 65:17-25 and Revelation 21:1-4)
f) The Signs of the Savior (vv. 10-16)
i) “In that Day” – a banner (signal, ensign) and a remnant returns
ii) “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” (#211 UMC Hymnal)
g) What do we learn about Christ in Isaiah 7:14, 9:1-7, and 11:1-16?
4) A SONG OF SALVATION (12:1-6):
a) (v. 1) “In that Day” - How does this reflect a “now and not yet” scenario?
b) (vs. 2) “The LORD GOD” is a shortened “Yah” (hy) in the Hebrew.
c) “In that Day” - The Purpose of Praise (v. 4)
i) Give thanks to the Lord.
ii) Call upon / Proclaim His Name.
iii) Celebrate / Make known His works among the people.
iv) Declare that His Name is exalted.
d) The Power of Praise (vv. 5-6)
i) According to these verses, how are we to praise the Holy One of Israel?
a) Thanksgiving is a central part of life with God. (1st Thessalonians 5:18)
b) God is the Source of all deliverance and salvation. (Matthew 1:21-23)
c) Singing praises to God is a major aspect of Worshiping and living in relationship with Him. (Colossians 3:16)
d) Identify specific worries you may have and turn them over to God. (Philippians 4:6-7)
Banishing Babylon - Read Isaiah 13:1 – 14:32 to prepare