
Isaiah 2:1 - 4:6
Payday on the Way

Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 7pm - Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223

Session Three: Payday on the Way 


2)    READ / LISTEN to Isaiah 2:1 – 4:6
What are your initial impressions?  Questions?  
Are there notable differences in various translations? 

3)    THE PROPHETIC CYCLE (General overview of this passage):
a)    See the Chart 
i)    Historical Provocation (2:1-4)
ii)    Prophetic Pronouncement (2:5 - 3:1)
iii)    Human Preference (3:2-9)
iv)    Divine Punishment (3:9 - 4:1)
v)    Redemptive Promise (4:2-4)
vi)    Ultimate Praise (4:5-6)

4)    God of All the Nations  (2:1-4):
a)    Prophetic announcement of Salvation (see Micah 4:1-3)

b)    Out of Israel comes the Hope for the World (see Genesis 12:1-4)
5)    The Light of the Lord (vs. 5):
a)    (See Isaiah 60:1-2, 19-20; Psalm 27:1; John 1:1-9; 2nd Corinthians 4:6; 1st John 1:5-7)

b)    What happens to those who don’t walk in the Light? (John 3:19-21, 8:12)
c)    What happen to those who DO walk in the Light? (2nd Corinthians 3:18)

6)    Payday on the Way  (2:6 – 3:7):
a)    Reasons for Rejection (vv. 6-9)

b)    Preaching Against Pride (vv. 10-22)

c)    A Lack of Leadership (3:1-7) 

7)    The Lawsuit Form  (3:6-15):
a)    Remember the Witnesses called  (Isaiah1:2)

b)    The Accusation  (3:8-9,12,14-15)

c)    The Judge  (3:13)

d)    The Defendant  (3:14)

e)    The Verdict and Sentence  (3:10-11)

8)    Pride Goeth Before the Fall  (3:16 - 4:1):
a)    What does God plan to take from the Daughters of Zion?  Why?

b)    4:1 - Exodus 21:10-11 gives the requirement for taking another wife.

9)    Prediction of Hope  (4:2-6):
a)    The Branch of the LORD (Jeremiah 23:5; 33:18; Zechariah 3:8; 6:12)

b)    God’s Remnant (vv. 2-4)
i)    How does God wash away the bloodguilt from the daughters of Zion?

c)    Tracing God’s Glory (vv. 5-6)
i)    The First Temple  (Exodus 13:21-22; 40:34-38)

ii)    The Second Temple  (2nd Chronicles 5:11-14)

iii)    Departed  Glory  (Ezekiel 10:18-19)

iv)    Latter Glory even Greater  (Haggai 2:7-9) 

a)    The Church is represented by people of all Nations.

b)    Our material possessions should not supplant our dedication and devotion to God.

c)    Confess our pride to God and seek His forgiveness.

d)    Do not trust in human invention or ability over God’s help.

e)    Help the Poor and the Needy.


Vindication Against the Vineyard - Read Isaiah 5:1-30 to prepare