More Than A Carpenter 2023

Victory Fellowship Bible Study on 2023 Tentative Revised Class Schedule - Wednesdays at 7pm

November 8th           Lesson Eight          Did You Hear What Happened to Saul?

November 15th         Lesson Nine        Can You Keep a Good Man Down?

November 22nd          No Class. Happy Thanksgiving!

November 29th           Lesson Ten          Will the Real Messiah Please Stand Up

December 6th          Lesson Eleven        Isn’t There Some Other Way?

December 13th          God’s Way or My Way?

December 20, 2023 – January 9, 2024 there will be NO CLASSES for Holiday Break. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

God willing, we will resume on January 10, 2024 with a study of the books of Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon (Song of Songs) in the Bible.