
1 Corinthians 15:3-19
Can You Keep a Good Man Down?

Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 7pm - Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223

More Than a Carpenter
Lesson Nine: Can You Keep a Good Man Down?

Read 1st Corinthians 15:3-19

Why is the Resurrection of Jesus important to Christianity? 

Can you be a Christian and not believe in the Resurrection?

The Resurrection Myths:
    The Wrong Tomb Theory
    The Swoon Theory
          The Hallucination Theory 
    The Stolen or Moved Body Theories

Conclusion: Josh McDowell quotes English scholar Brooke Foss Westcott, 
(January 12, 1825 – July 27, 1901)
“Indeed taking all the evidence together, it is not too much to say that there is no single historic incident better or more variously supported than the Resurrection of Christ. Nothing but the antecedent assumption that it must be false could have suggested the idea of deficiency in the proof of it.” 

What does Westcott mean when he says this?

The Case for Christ / The Case for Easter by Lee Strobel


Close in prayer by someone led by the Holy Spirit.

No Class next week. Happy Thanksgiving!

IN TWO WEEKS: Will the Real Messiah Please Stand Up?
Read Chapter Eleven in More Than a Carpenter to Prepare.