
2nd Timothy 3:12-17
Are the Bible Records Reliable?

Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 7pm - Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223

More Than a Carpenter
Lesson Five: Are the Bible Records Reliable?

The Telephone Test
1) The Bibliographical Test (back of page)

2) The Internal Evidence Test: (read following passages)
Luke 1:1-3, 3:1; John 19:35, 20:30-31, 21:24-25; Acts 2:22, 26:24-28;
2nd Peter 1:16; 1st John 1:3

3) The External (Circumstantial) Evidence Test: FIVE UNDISPUTED EXHIBITS

1st – The Disciple’s change and ultimately are persecuted for their faith 

2nd – Those who were former skeptics changed their mind: Mark 3:21; John 7:5; 10:20

3rd – Key Social Structures Changed
             No more animal Sacrifices. Food Laws changed.  (Matthew 27:51; Mark 7:18-19; Acts 10:15)
              More than Law of Moses. (Matthew 5:17; Hebrews 3:3)

    Worship on First day of week instead of Sabbath. (Acts 20:7)

    Express teaching in the Trinity.  (Matthew 28:18-19)

    Messiah no longer seen as political and military victor.

4th – The Sacraments of Baptism and Communion. (Acts 10:47; 1st Corinthians 11:23-26)

5th – The Birth of the Church. (Survived even the collapse of the Roman Empire)


Close in prayer by someone led by the Holy Spirit.

NEXT WEEK: Who Would Die for a Lie?
Read Chapter Seven in More Than a Carpenter to Prepare.