
Matthew 25:1-46
Parables Concerning Jesus' Return

Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 7pm 
 Rev. Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223

CLASS TWENTY-SIX: Parables Concerning Jesus’ Return


Finish verses 32-51 of Chapter 24 from Last Lesson

II.    Parable of the Fig Tree (24:32-35) 
a.    (vs. 33) What does “all these things” refer to? What does it mean that “He is near?”

b.    (vs. 34) What generation is Jesus referring to?

c.    (vs. 35) What is Jesus’ meaning here?

III.    No One Knows the Day or Hour (24:36-44) 
a.    (vs. 36) What “day and hour” is Jesus referring to?

b.    (vv. 37-39) In the example of Noah, who was swept away?

c.    (vv. 40-41) In the same way, in Jesus’ example of the field and mill workers, who is taken and who is left? (I consider this the point of no return.)

d.    (vv. 42-44) What is the warning being given here?

IV.    Faithful Service to the Messiah (24:45-51) 
a.    Who is the “sensible slave” and what is their reward?

b.    Who is the “wicked slave” and what is their recompense?
V.    READ / LISTEN to MATTHEW 25:1–46
a.    What are your initial impressions or questions? Notable translation differences?

b.    Chapters 23-25 are nearly entirely in Red Letters.

VI.    Parable of the 10 Virgins (25:1-13)
a.    Who do the foolish virgins represent? What about the sensible or wise virgins?

b.    What does the shout in the middle of the night represent?

c.    Why did they need their lamps (torches) lit?

d.    What is the significance of the banquet door being shut?

e.    (vs. 11) The cry, “Master, Master” is the same plea uttered in Matthew 7:21. Note the similar reply in both cases.

f.    What is the point of this parable?
VII.    Parable of the Talents (25:14-30)
a.    How are these talents distributed among the three slaves?

b.    What does the man going on a journey represent?

c.    What does his return represent?

d.    How does he deal with each of the three slaves? 

e.    What is the point of this parable?

VIII.    The Sheep and the Goats (25:31-46)
a.    This is not a parable but very likely a literal description of King Jesus’ return.

b.    The language of verses 32-33 are drawn from Ezekiel 34:17-19.

c.    What are the redeeming qualities of the Righteous Sheep?

d.    What are the condemning attributes of the Wicked Goats?

e.    What is the final state of each group?  

IX.    Application
a.    This earth and heavens will disappear but our salvation through Christ is forever.           (Isaiah 51:6; Revelation 21:1-5)

b.    Christian life is a marathon, not a sprint. We must faithfully trust and follow Jesus, all the while keeping an earnest watch for His return. (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

c.    God has given every believer various gifts, graces and resources. Jesus wants to find us faithful with what He has given us when He returns. (Romans 12:6-8)

Final Comments and/or Questions. Close in Prayer

Next Week: The First Lord’s Supper / Jesus Betrayed
- Read Matthew 26:1-75 to prepare.