
Matthew 17:1-27
The Transfiguration of Jesus

Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 7pm 
 Rev. Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223

CLASS EIGHTEEN: The Transfiguration of Jesus


II.    READ / LISTEN to MATTHEW 17:1–27
a.    What are your initial impressions or questions? Notable translation differences?

III.    The Transfiguration of Jesus (vv. 1-9)
a.    Compare the gospel accounts of Mark 9:1-9 and Luke 9:27-35 with Matt 16:28-17:9.

b.    Peter also references this experience in his letter (2nd Peter 1:16-18)

c.    This event with Jesus is familiar to Moses’ experience (Exodus 24:13-18; 34:29-35).

d.    The prophetic descriptions of God match Jesus’ transformation here on the mountain. (Daniel 7:9-10; Revelation 1:13-16)

e.    The Greek word describing what happened to Jesus is met-am-or-fo'-o. Can you guess the English word we get from that? The only other places in the New Testament this word is used are in Romans 12:2 and 2nd Corinthians 3:18.

f.    (vs 4) Peter may be thinking of The Feast of Tabernacles (Booths) from Leviticus 23:42-43. Either way, he was wrong to assume all on the mountain were equal.

IV.    The Disciples Ask About Elijah (vv. 10-13)
a.    (vs 10) The view of the scribes was based on Malachi 4:5.

b.    Jesus is explaining that John the Baptist was the (partial*) fulfillment of Malachi’s prophesy. (*see Revelation 11:3-4)

V.    The Power of a Little Faith (vv. 14-21)
a.    (vs. 14) Note that the father comes worshipping Jesus.

b.    Why couldn’t the disciples heal the boy?

c.    (vs. 20) How are we to interpret this verse as it relates to our faith experience?

d.    Verse 21 is not found in the better manuscripts, however it is in Mark 9:29. Some manuscripts also include the words, and fasting, in Mark’s gospel. 

VI.    Jesus Predicts His Death a Second Time (vv. 22-23) 
a.    This is the second time in chapter 17 and the fourth time in Matthew’s gospel that Jesus predicts His death.

VII.    Paying the Temple Tax (vv. 24-27) 
a.    This account is only recorded in Matthew’s gospel. It gives evidence that Matthew wrote his gospel prior to the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D.

b.    (vs. 24) The double-drachma tax was established to fund the upkeep of the Temple. (Exodus 30:11-16)

c.    (vv. 25-26) Jesus was explaining that His disciples were children of the True King and were therefore exempt from supporting the Temple. What other implications did this have for Jewish Christians?

d.    Name everything that is influenced in order for the events in verse 27 to occur.

VIII.    Application
a.    Moses’ face shone on the mountain because he was in the Presence of God. Jesus’ face and clothes shone on the mountain in a display of His divinity. (John 1:1-4, 14)

b.    The power of faith can move mountains of obstacles in our lives. (Hebrews 11:1, 6)

c.    Reverence and even fear are appropriate responses to the awesome presence of God. (Judges 6:22-24)

Final Comments and/or Questions. Close in Prayer

Next Week: Restoration and Forgiveness - Read Matthew 18:1-35 to prepare.