
Matthew 10:1-42
Commissioning the Twelve

Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 7pm 
Rev. Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223

CLASS ELEVEN: Commissioning the Twelve


II.    READ / LISTEN to MATTHEW 10:1–42
a.    What are your initial impressions or questions? Notable translation differences?

b.    Chapter 10 entails Discourse Two (Missions): The Ministry of Jesus’ Disciples (9:35 - 10:42). See verse 11:1.

III.    Sending Out the Twelve Disciples (1-15) 
a.    Chapter 10 begins as a direct follow-up of Jesus’ plea in 9:36-38

b.    (vs. 2) This is the only time in his Gospel that Matthew uses the word   (apostolos), meaning “sent ones.”

c.    A brief survey of the 12 Apostles

d.    (vv. 5-6) Who are the Apostle’s sent to?

e.    (vv. 7-8) What are they to say and do?

f.    (vv. 9-10) Why does Jesus instruct them to travel this light?

g.    (vv. 11-13a) How are they to greet a worthy household?

h.    (vv. 13b-15) How are they to greet an unworthy household?

IV.    There Will Be Persecutions (15-25) 
a.    Who are the wolves that Jesus warns about?

b.    How can the Apostles be as shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves? 

c.    What six types of persecution are the Apostles certain to face?

d.    In what ways will God be with them? (vv. 18-20, 22)

e.    What does Jesus mean by His assurance in verse 23?

f.    What is the point Jesus is making in verse 25?

V.    Fear God, Not Man (26-31) 
a.    Assurance of God’s protection in the face of opposition.

VI.    Christ is the Highest Priority (32-39) 
a.    What is the benefit of acknowledging God before others? What is the danger of not doing so?

b.    What does Jesus mean that He brings not peace, but a sword?

c.    (vv. 35-36) This is a quote from Micah 7:6. Why did Jesus say He came to do this?

d.    (vs. 37) Is Jesus saying we should not love our family?

e.    (vs. 38) What is “taking up their cross” for a follower of Christ?

f.    (vs. 39) What is the meaning of this verse?

VII.    A Prophet’s Reward (40-42) 
a.    What do these verses reveal about how those sent by Jesus should be received?

b.    Who are the “little ones” in verse 42?

VIII.    Application
a.    Our loyalty and devotion to Jesus must surpass our loyalty to friends and family. (Luke 14:26)

b.    We must be proactive in the way we support those who promote the gospel around the world. (John 13:20)

c.    Jesus requires our public confession and witness. If we deny Him, He will deny us. (Luke 9:25-26) 

Final Comments, Questions. Close in Prayer

Enjoy your holiday break!
December 22nd, 29th, & January 5th, 2022 * NO CLASSES – CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR’S BREAK

In 4 Weeks (Jan. 12, 2022): Jesus Praises John the Baptist
- Read Matthew 11:1-30 to prepare.