
Matthew 8:1-34
Jesus Demonstrates His Authority

Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 7pm 
 Rev. Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223

CLASS NINE: Jesus Demonstrates His Authority


II.    READ / LISTEN to MATTHEW 8:1–34
a.    What are your initial impressions or questions? Notable translation differences?

III.    A Man Cleansed of Leprosy (1-4) 
a.    What does his request reveal about the man with leprosy?

b.    Why is it significant that Jesus touches this man?

c.    Why did Jesus request that he tell no one of his healing?

d.    What was the importance of the man going before the priest?

IV.    A Centurion’s Faith (5-13) 
a.    Compare this account with Luke 7:1-10.

b.    What is the significance of Jesus’ words in vv. 10-12 for Gentiles? For Jews?
i.    See Romans chapters 9-11 for Paul’s message concerning unbelieving Jews.

V.    Another Prophesy Fulfilled (14-17) 
a.    How did Jesus heal Peter’s mother-in-law?

b.    This fulfilled prophesy is from Isaiah 53:4. Also Isaiah 35.

VI.    The Cost of Discipleship (18-22) 
a.    What is the warning Jesus gives to the scribe?

b.    This is the first of 30 times (KJV) Matthew uses “Son of Man.” Jesus refers to Himself with that title over 80 times in the Gospels. (RE: Daniel 7:13-14) 

c.    Who is it that wants to bury their father first? What does he mean by that?

d.    What is the point Jesus is making in these responses?

VII.    Jesus Calms the Wind and Waves (23-27) 
a.    The Greek word used to describe this violent storm is  (seismos) = earthquake. How does that help us to understand the disciple’s fear – and Jesus’ authority?

b.    Note that Jesus first rebukes the disciples, then the storm.

c.    What does this event reveal about Jesus?
VIII.    Demons Driven Out into Pigs (28-34) 
a.    The area mentioned is part of the Decapolis. (RE: See Map from Lesson 5)

b.    Compare this account with Mark 5:1-17 and Luke 8:26-37.

c.    What four things are revealed in the exchange between Jesus and the demoniacs?

d.    What is significant about the response from the townsfolk?

IX.    Application
a.    The time to follow Jesus is now. We must not let anyone or anything hinder our discipleship. (2 Corinthians 6:2)

b.    Demons do not doubt who Jesus is. They believe in Him and fear for their eternity. How futile it is for humans who claim there is no God. (James 2:19; Psalm 53:1)

Final Comments, Questions. Close in Prayer

Next Week: The Son of Man Heals and Forgives
- Read Matthew 9:1-38 to prepare.