Summer Road Trip 2023

Summer Road Trip 2023
Beginning June 25, 2023 Pastor Rod's sermons will take us on a road trip of seven major events in the bible that affect every human being. Learning the major events in the history of God and people will give you a clearer understanding of the Bible and its life-changing message for today. We’ll simplify it by using seven simple keywords:

#1: Creation
God created the whole world by speaking it into existence out of nothing. His crowning creation was humanity itself – created for relationship with God. Genesis 1:26-31

#2: Sin
Adam and Eve put themselves in the place of God, and because of that sin, relationship with God was broken. This is called “original sin” within Christian theology. Genesis 3:1-13

#3: Promise
In Genesis 12:1-4 God made a threefold promise to Abram, a promise that would culminate in the coming of Jesus.

#4: Commandment
God gave the Ten Commandments to his people through Moses to give a framework for how God wants people to live in order to love God and people. Exodus 20:1-17

#5: Jesus
In the New Testament, we learn that Jesus, who is God himself, came to the earth, lived a perfect life, and died for our sins so we can be restored to relationship with God.

#6: Salvation
This event is a personal experience for every individual who trusts Jesus for salvation. At the defining moment of faith, God himself takes up residence in every believer by his Holy Spirit.

#7: Heaven                                                                                                                                                                      This event is yet to come – but someday God will return to the earth and establish his Kingdom. He will live forever with everyone who has trusted in Jesus for salvation.