The Book of Ezra

Beginning Sunday,  April 7,  2024 Pastor Rod will preach a 6 week series through the book of EZRA.

Ezra-Nehemiah can be considered the Old Testament equivalent to the book of Acts. It is not written in Chronological order. It was written to convey God’s working to restore Israel. Many Prophesies were fulfilled in the events recorded in Ezra-Nehemiah. It was originally written in Hebrew with other inserted documentation in Aramaic. (Ezra 4.8-6.18; 7.12-26)

VII.    Major Divisions:
a.    The Hebrew bible regards Nehemiah 3:32 as the middle verse of the whole of Ezra-Nehemiah.

b.    Three parts constitute the whole: Ezra 1-6; Ezra 7-10; Neh. 1-13.
i.    Ezra 1-6 reports the earliest return from exile
ii.    Ezra 7-10 is the first time Ezra is named. This section tells of his return to Judah.
iii.    Nehemiah 1-13 records the events of Nehemiah’s return.

VIII.    Major Themes
The fulfilment of Jewish return from Exile
Rededication of the rebuilt Temple and the City Walls
Opposition to the Rebuilding
Return to the influence and obedience to God’s Word
Faith and Action in purifying their Worship