
Ezra 9:10-15
Confess, Repent, Restore

Confess, Repent, Restore
Ezra 9:10-15 - Victory Fellowship
May 12, 2024 - Rev. Roderick Grabski
Fill Sanctuary with Love Sunday
I.    Introduction: (Motherly Advice)
a.    Always wear clean underwear - you might get into an accident. Mom is really saying don’t put on an outward show – be clean inside and out. Be prepared for the unexpected.

b.    I suppose if your friend jumped off a cliff, you would also.  Mom is really saying don’t follow the crowd just for the sake of fitting in – sometimes responsibility is more important than good times and because of who you are there are some things you just don’t do.

c.    A little hard work never killed anyone, and it might do you some good!  Mom is really saying that there is great value in hard work.

d.    You know you could never hide anything from mom. I learned early that it was just better to confess it and deal with the ramifications.

e.    Ezra realized that if he was ever going to have true Spiritual renewal in the rebuilt Temple, the people of Jerusalem has to have a day of confession and repentance

a.    The Temple had been rebuilt for 57 years when Ezra arrived. He soon was delivered bad news.

b.    Some of the people of Jerusalem, including the Priests and Leaders, had violated God’s Law by intermarrying with people from pagan nations who practiced idolatry.

c.    Ezra was horrified by the weight of this sin and he prayed to God.

d.    Remarkably all the people, including the guilty ones, repented and sought God’s restoration. 

e.    Ezra also wrote 2 Chronicles 7:14.
(if) My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

f.    Ezra proposed a Day of repentance in Jerusalem and the people agreed.

III.    Application
a.    When the Holy Spirit makes us aware of a sinful area in our life, we need to confess and repent.

b.    Repentance is more than an awareness of needed change. Repentance is all about tearing down what doesn’t belong and allowing God to build us up again in the right manner.

IV.    Conclusion
a.    Being restored spiritually consists of Confession and Repentance.
i.    Confession is agreeing with God that our thoughts, actions, or words are wrong according to His standards.
ii.    True repentance involves not only confession, but cessation of the offending behavior.

b.    Sin affects more than the offender. Innocent people can be harmed.

c.    The Good News is that after repentance comes restoration. No one is so far from God that true restoration cannot happen.

d.    Love in the heart of God desires our wholeness.

SONG: Heart of God