Live Ready #3 - Jesus Gives Us Peace
John 14:23-27 – Victory Fellowship
January 26, 2025 - Rev. Roderick Grabski
Healing Service
I. Introduction: Live Ready Series
a. We were never promised a life without pain, suffering, tragedy or trials. We will all experience hard times while we exist on this earth. (4-part series)
i. The good news is that Jesus did promise us that he had overcome the world.
ii. We were promised that he would never leave or forsake us.
iii. Because of Jesus’ presence with us, we can live ready to face whatever life may throw at us.
iv. God gives us guidance to help us live ready and we would be wise to follow it.
II. Today, I want to remind us of Jesus’ promise to give us peace, not as the world gives, but through the presence of the Holy Spirit. Because of Jesus’ presence with us, we can live ready to face whatever life may throw at us.
a. How many of you have ever seriously considered what the Holy Spirit does for us? The Holy Spirit helps to stay on track at keeping the word of Jesus and staying true to the word of Jesus. If we do not follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, then we will stumble.
a. Enoch was a man who walked closely with God. His walking with God which did not happen by default. Enoch did not win the approval of God accidentally or incidentally, for it was under the most unfavorable circumstances that Enoch walked with God.
i. What were his “unfavorable circumstances”? He was Cain's oldest son (Genesis 4:17). Cain had killed Abel because he was jealous of how God found favor with Abel's offering (Genesis 4:8).
ii. There is a saying that the “apple does not fall far from the tree”. There is no doubt that Enoch was an exception to this rule because he “walked with God” (Genesis 5:24).
b. The Holy Spirit helps us walk with God and stay in step as God’s children.
IV. Jesus is telling the disciples that they will benefit from having the Holy Spirit to remind them of God's love.
a. Jesus was giving His disciples some much needed words of encouragement as He was preparing them for His departure from them.
b. Jesus was previously sharing with them how the legacy of His love continues through their loving one another as His disciples (John 13:34-35).
c. We know from the words of Paul that there is faith, hope and love and that love is the greatest of these (I Corinthians 13:13).
d. It is through love that we keep His commandments (John 14:15). Those who love Jesus and keep His commandments will be loved by our Father in Heaven (John 14:21).
e. We cannot be separated from God's love (Romans 8:35).
V. It is through God's never ending love that we experience the Lord's indwelling in our lives. The Holy Spirit helps us to remember who we are as God's children!
a. The Holy Spirit continues to help us and teach us daily.
b. Just as Jesus gives us the peace that the world cannot give, Jesus gives to us the gift of salvation.
c. Satan will always fail because he cannot snatch those who are in the hands of Jesus (John 10:29).
d. He has no power over Jesus Christ (John 14:30) who has conquered sin, death and the fear of death!
e. Therefore, God's love for us makes us more than conquerors (Romans 8:37) because no form of adversity … death, rulers, things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth shall be able to separate us from love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord! (Romans 8:37-39).
f. Those who were raised by godly parent and grandparents know what a blessing it is in their lives. Likewise, we cannot walk and stay in step without the Holy Spirit - who not only teaches us - but also reminds of our victory in Jesus Christ!
Prayer and Anointing
Song: In Jesus’ Name (God of Possible)
John 14:23-27 HCSB
23 Jesus answered, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. 24 The one who doesn’t love Me will not keep My words. The word that you hear is not Mine but is from the Father who sent Me 25 “I have spoken these things to you while I remain with you. 26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit—the Father will send Him in My name—will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you. 27 “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Your heart must not be troubled or fearful.