
John 19:30-37
#6 - "It is Finished"

#6: “It is Finished”
John 19:30-37 - Victory Fellowship
March 28, 2021 - Rev. Roderick Grabski
Palm Sunday – Healing Service

a. We pay keen attention to the words people say just before they die.

b. Jesus spoke seven times during the closing moments on the Cross. Before the darkness overwhelmed them, Jesus spoke three times. While the darkness hung, He spoke once. And after the darkness had passed, He spoke three more times.

c. The seven utterances of Jesus from the cross reveal God’s answer to our basic needs. Jesus spoke words on the Cross that are worthy of our study because of who, where, and why they were spoken - and what they mean.

d. Here we find deep expressions of our Savior in His time of terrible agony right as He paid the price of our redemption.

e. Jesus’ statements are taken from the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - but assembled into what was probably their chronological as they were uttered. Jesus was consistent in His life and in His message until the end. Let us briefly reflect on the seven last words of Jesus before He died on the cross:

1. "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do."
2. "This day you will be with me in Paradise."
3. "Woman, behold your son…Here is your mother"
4. "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"
5. "I thirst."
6. "It is finished."
7. "Into your hands I commit my spirit."

f. Each week, for the next few weeks leading up to Resurrection Sunday, we will examine one of the statements Jesus made.

II. “It is Finished.”
a. The sixth word is Jesus’ recognition that His suffering is over and his task is completed. Jesus was obedient to the Father and gave his love for mankind by redeeming mankind with His death on the Cross. It was the darkest day of mankind.

b. But, prophetically, it also became the brightest day for humanity. Jesus knew he was suffering the crucifixion for a purpose. Earlier he had said in John 10:18 of his life, “No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.” These three words were packed with meaning, for what was finished here was not only Christ’s earthly life, not only his suffering and dying, not only the payment for sin and the redemption of the world—but the very reason and purpose he came to earth was finished. His final act of obedience was complete. The Scriptures had been fulfilled.

c. The 6th word Consists of one single word in the Greek - "telew” teleo = Finished, accomplished. The word was used in business life of the time to indicate that a debt had been paid. That’s what Jesus was proclaiming from the Cross - "it is paid, man’s account with God has been settled, the debt is wiped out."

d. Jesus’ cry was proclaiming his victory over the evil one. In the gigantic struggle between good and evil the Son of Man had suffered grievously but he had finished the work of redemption that his Father had committed to him. He didn’t say "I am finished" but rather "It is finished

e. The work of man’s redemption was finished. Jesus had offered himself without spot or blemish to God, and by that one sacrifice for sin, once and for all he had done all that was required to reconcile the world unto God. "It is finished." The Word tells us there is nothing left for man to do but to enter into the results of Christ’s finished work.

f. Salvation has been obtained for all who accept and rely upon the finished work of Calvary. It was for this cause that Jesus came into the world.

g. What was finished here was not only Christ's earthly life, not only his suffering and dying, not only the payment for sin and the redemption of the world—but the very reason and purpose he came to earth was finished. His final act of obedience was complete. The Scriptures had been fulfilled.

h. Jesus is our Savior, healer, and Friend. By His stripes we are healed. Come and receive the blessing.

PRAYER & Anointing
SONG: He Knows Just What I Need