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1st Peter 2:1-5

Goodbye 2020 and Goodbye to:

Week #5 – Finding Fault 1st Peter 2.1-5

Victory Fellowship February 7, 2021 - Rev. Roderick Grabski  

I.                   Introduction:

a.       It can be amazing what the Holy Spirit does with us if we let Him.” He transforms our lives – removing the undesirable habits and behaviors and giving us a magnetic quality that draws believers and unbelievers to us to desire what we have.  

b.      We need to allow room for the Fruit of the Spirit to transform us and re-make us after the image of Christ.  To allow more room for love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control - we need to take to change those attitudes and behaviors in our lives that hinder the work of the Spirit.  

c.       As we say goodbye to 2020, I want to discuss - over the next 5 weeks - attitudes or behaviors that we should also say goodbye to:                                                              

i.      Being too Stubborn to Change                                                            

ii.      Negativity                                                          

iii.      Self-Centeredness                                                          

iv.      Wounded-ness (playing the victim)                                                            

v.      Fault-finding (blaming others)  

II.                This 5th week I want to focus on Lose Finding Fault.

a.       We shouldn’t blame others when things don’t go right.  

b.      In addition, we should not “cover-up” or ignore potential problem areas in our lifestyle and try to hide it from God.   

III.             Application:

a.       Peter informs Christians that we should lose all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all slander. We don’t blame others for our lack of Spirituality.  

b.       In Christ we are as living stones, are being built into a spiritual house for a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.  

c.        If we want to grow spiritually, we must say goodbye to Finding Fault with other people and circumstances.  

IV.             Conclusion:

a.       Billy Graham “physical ears vs Spiritual ears”

b.      We have agreed to ask God to help us examine our lives - and if we see any of these behaviors present – it’s time to say goodbye to:                                                     

i.      Being too Stubborn to Change                                                   

ii.      Negativity                                                 

iii.      Self-Centeredness                                                 

iv.      Wounded-ness (playing the victim)                                                   

v.      Fault-finding (blaming others)  

This week let’s examine in what areas we may need to Lose finding Fault with others. Come Holy Spirit!  


SONG: Come Heal This Land