Everyone is Welcome!
You matter to God

Our worship services are casual. We have a mix of Traditional and Contempory style.

We have parking areas on both sides of our building. We have spots for handicap parking on the North side where there is a handicap ramp to enter the building. On the South side of the buildng we have a couple parking spots for new visitors or families with small children.

If you are a First Time guest, please do not feel any obligation to participate in the offering. We only ask that you be sure to sign the attendance pad when it is passed around. (It’s also an easy way for you to see the names of the people sitting around you.)

Feel free to help yourself to our hospitality table. We also have a slushy machine downstairs. Please use the cup lids to prevent spills in the Sanctuary. Thank you!  

Restrooms are located downstairs on the left side of the hallway. There is a diaper changing table downstairs in the last bathroom on the left (men’s room).

We welcome children in our worship service! We have a King's Kids children's church program that meets after the passing of the peace in our worship service.