The God Story

Pastor Rod’s Lenten sermon series will be The God Story.  Each week we will follow the threads that run throughout the story of God’s people, leading finally to Jesus and the resurrection. Using classic components of storytelling, people can see their role in God’s story.


We are introduced to God and He is powerful and mysterious and just by speaking can set the whole world in motion. After speaking humans into creation God takes an incredible, unprecedented step - God speaks to that which He created.   Immediately we know this God is different from other gods. We saw this as Thread #1 in the story: God speaks because God desires relationship. God doesn’t want to be a far off God.  

Shortly after, the man and the woman choose to do their own thing rather than follow God, listening to the bad guy and listening to their stomachs over the word of God, beginning their thread of deceit and betrayal.   The laughable dream of Abraham showed us Thread #2: If God makes a promise, God keeps it.  

As we watched the wandering people of God get frustrated in the wilderness, we found Thread #3: God will provide all you need for the journey.  

Then with David, we saw an unlikely little shepherd boy become king—Thread #4: God calls the unlikely and gives them a better story.  

We talked about how the Soundtrack to this whole story is the prophetic voice singing over us the beautiful message of Thread #5: God’s love is reoccurring and relentless.   The people of God were waiting, waiting for a new king, the real king, the king God would send. They are waiting on Resolution. A young boy, born to an unlikely family, Jesus, whose name means Yahweh rescues, rides into Jerusalem on the first day of Passover. 

Then, Thread #6: Easter is the Twist Ending we’ve all been waiting for. The sun rose this morning, same as it has for thousands of years, same as it did the first Easter morning. It says, God is not done. Jesus is not dead. He is alive. He has risen. He has risen indeed!