Victory Fellowship Bible Study
273 23rd St. S.W., Barberton, OH 44203
Wednesdays at 7pm
Rev. Roderick D. Grabski (330) 858-0223 FACEBOOK: Roderick Grabski
CLASS ONE: Introduction of Ecclesiastes & Song of Songs
II. Review Course Content
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1. To Glorify God in our study of His Word. The Old Testament is God’s Word.
2. To edify our own knowledge and understanding.
3. To Outline and Study Solomon’s writings both early and late in his life.
4. To point out how Ecclesiastes offers counsel with similar issues that plague Christians in the world today.
5. To show how Song of Songs describes a biblical, God-centered marriage.
6. To discuss Major Themes and Significant Phrases used in these writings.
7. To Praise God for His wisdom and counsel, sometimes at Solomon’s expense.
8. To be blessed by the Holy Spirit in our Study.
IV. Authorship of Ecclesiastes
a. The Preacher or Teacher: tlhq ko-heh'-leth. Ecclesiastes (ekklhsia) is a Greek translation of the Hebrew word for Preacher.
b. The son of David, king in Jerusalem (1:1). I, the Preacher, have been king over Israel in Jerusalem (1:12). In addition to being a wise man, the Preacher also taught the people knowledge; and he pondered, searched out and arranged many proverbs (12:9).
c. Though hotly debated by arrogant, liberal scholars, the author is King Solomon.
V. Date of Writing and Historical Context
a. Before Solomon’s death in 931 B.C., so probably around 935 B.C.
b. At first glance the book seems pessimistic. Many atheists love to quote verses from Ecclesiastes out of context (1:2; 3:19-22; 7:16; 10:19). The book is realistic.
VI. Occasion for the Letter:
a. Ecclesiastes is Wisdom literature with narrative. Solomon is reflecting on his lifetime and offering philosophical perspective.
VII. Major Divisions and Structure of the Book:
a. See Ecclesiastes at a Glance.
VIII. Major Themes and Phrases in Ecclesiastes
a. See The Way of Wisdom.
b. Warnings against the Pursuit of:
i. Intellectual Accomplishments
ii. Wealth and Luxury
iii. Politics
iv. Religion
c. Positive Pursuits: Enjoy life and Fear God
d. Key Phrases:
i. Under the Sun and on the Earth: (1:13; 2:3; 3:1; 5:18; 8:14,16)
ii. Meaningless, Vanity, or Futility: (Throughout. Implied also in 6:4,11)
iii. Chasing after the Wind (1:14; 2:11; 4:6)
e. Allusions to other Scripture: 3:20; 12:7 to Genesis 3:19. Paul in Romans 8:20.
f. The word Elohim Myhla is used for God as opposed to Yahweh hwhy.
g. Passages in chapters 3, 8, and 12 give some teaching on the afterlife.
IX. Authorship of Song of Songs (Solomon)
a. King Solomon. The book is titled literally, “The Song of Songs, which is Solomon’s.” The name Song of Songs in Hebrew implies the best song.
b. Counting the Title, the book is divided into seven sections. Solomon’s name occurs 7 times in the book, including once in the title: (1:5; 3:7,9,11; 8:11-12).
X. Date of Writing and Historical Context
a. Most likely early into Solomon’s reign, around 970 B.C. At this time he only had 60 wives and 80 concubines, but this Shulamith is his favorite. She may very well be the woman mentioned in 1st Kings 1:1-4.
b. The Song historically parallels Egyptian Love Songs.
XI. Occasion for the Letter:
a. It is by God’s grace and inspiration that a man who eventually had 700 wives and 300 concubines (1st Kings 11:3) could write a song about devotion to one woman. Think about what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:9 & 1 Timothy 1:12-16.
XII. Major Divisions and Structure of the Book:
a. See Song of Solomon at a Glance.
XIII. Major Themes
a. See Locations in Song of Solomon.
b. Ideal, intimate love between a man and his wife.
c. The love of God for Israel
d. The love of Christ for His bride, the church.
XIV. Final Comments, Questions. Close in Prayer
Next Week: The Vanity of Human Effort & Experience
- Read Ecclesiastes 1:1-18 to prepare.