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Romans 5:1, 6-11
The Example of True Love

The Example of True Love
Romans 5:6-11 – Victory Fellowship
Feb. 14, 2021 - Rev. Roderick Grabski
Valentine’s Day

I. Introduction:
a. It’s Valentine’s Day! For some, an opportunity to show tangible expressions of their true love for someone. (Candy, Flowers, Nice dinner)
i. For others, it’s just another holiday invented by the greeting card companies.

b. Cards and gifts notwithstanding, at the very least, Valentine’s day reminds us we are loved.
i. Even if you haven’t found that “true love” you should know that you are indeed loved.

c. Through Jesus Christ, God gave us the example of true love.

a. Jonathan Edwards: “You contribute nothing to your salvation except the sin that made it necessary.

b. The Grace of God in our lives makes all the difference.

c. It’s not about who we are – it’s about Who Christ is!

d. We were helpless

e. Christ came at the right time

f. We were sinners and Christ paid the price
i. (we were in a sense - enemies of God)

g. We are justified and saved from the wrath of God

h. We rejoice in our relationship with God!

III. GOD has a Great Love for Us
a. We all want to be loved by someone

b. We may feel lost and alone at times, but God knows exactly where we are and He has a good plan for our life!

IV. Conclusion:
a. God loves us unconditionally! (Eph. 3:17-18) …so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ! (NIV)

b. Because GOD has a Great Love for Us, we should demonstrate that love toward others! Not just on Valentine’s Day.

SONG: They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love